Sunday, October 15, 2006


There is an epidemic sweeping the English speaking world--EPD: Exclamation Point Disorder! People affected by EPD use exclamation points at completely innapropriate times! Extensive research has determined that this behavior is one of the most annoying behaviors ever known! But there is good news! The signs are easy to spot! Those affected by EPD use EP's all the time! It is easiest to spot this symtom in print, but if you do not have access to a writing sample, be on the lookout for exessive hyperbole and unblinking eyes! The populations with the highest risk of developing EPD are TV executives, advertisers, and idiots! If you know someone who is showing signs of EPD there is hope, but it is important to act quickly! Let the victim know that you are concerned about them, and encourage them to contact an editor immediately! There are many online style and grammar resources, but with a condition as serious as EPD it is important to speak directly to a trained profesional!

You can also make a difference by writing to your representatives in Congress, and encouraging them to support legislation prohibiting the use of EP's by minors, or to establish a licensing program!

If you are already an EP user, it is never too late to quit! But remember, the safest way to avoid EPD is to never start!


Anonymous said...

There is a typo in the second line! Exclamtion needs another a!

tb said...


amiraha said...

yes! yes!