Friday, May 25, 2007

Commerical Lanscape

So I’ve been watching TV at They let you watch shows for the small price of watching a few commercials. You watch about 8 minutes of show, watch one commercial, then another 8 minutes of show, etc. And it’s the same commercial each break.

The one I’ve been seeing a lot lately is for the T-Mobile Sidekick ID. The kids in the commercial talk to each other with their nifty phone to plan a sillystring fight on mall escalators.

The message is—unless I’m missing something here—buy this piece of plastic (filled with mercury, bromium, arsenic, cadmium, lead, chromium, so on and so forth), so you can organize pointless aerosol spraying (from single-use, non-recyclable metal cans), and leave the mess for the underpaid mall cleanup crew (who will use all of the plastic-bottled, toxic cleaners at their disposal).


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