Friday, June 01, 2007

How Many Errors Does it Take for the Pitcher to Punch the Catcher?

Two. But the official scorer was generous.

I decided last minute to go to Friday's Cubs' game, against the hated, despicable, southern, Braves, hopefully to see the Mets' biggest rival get walloped. Instead the Cubs' SS Theriot lost the second pitch of the game in the sun and stood helpless as the ball fell next to him. It wasn't scored an error. Don't ask me why. The sun is a normal part of baseball. Balls have gotten lost in the glare since balls were invented. It was an error. He had it, he called the other fielders off, then shrugged his shoulders.

Theriot had another non-error when he dropped a relay throw from the outfield. It didn't cost anything, but it sure made him look like an goat who belongs in AAA. Or AA. Or plain old A. Or working as a bank teller.

Another non-error was Ramirez's bobbled grounder that reduced an easy double play to a simple out a first.

Then of course, there were the two fuckups that actually got scored as errors: Murton losing a ball in the sun and letting it drop right next to him, and the catcher Barret allowing a passed-ball, letting a runner try for to third. How did Barret react? He sailed the ball into the outfield, letting in a run.

I was on the third base side so I couldn't see into the Cubs' dugout, and had to find out about the dustup later. I wanted the Braves to get walloped, but it was Barret who got it. Zambrano punched him right in the mouth, split his lip. Ha! He deserved it.

All I want to know is, why didn't he hit Theriot, Murton, and Ramirez too?

What a bunch of fuckups.

Ooo wait! Soriano gunned a guy down at the plate with a perfect one-hop throw from deep left. It was thrilling. And pretty much the only thing worth the ticket price.

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