Monday, September 29, 2008

How Boring is Life for The Non-Science (nonsense) People?

Ok, so, I don't really believe in God. Certainly not in the classical sense anyway. And I think The Bible is just another book. And really, just that. Another book. Not even a particularly exciting or beautiful book. I think the "The Bible May Not Be True, But it's Full of Beautiful Stories and Writing" line is a b.s. line. The most notable thing about The Bible is that it's old. And I think most organized religions (ok, fine, ALL organized religions) are 90% crapola--a smattering of genuine community, support, and togetherness, in a package of fundraising, brainwashing, closed-mindedness, and ignorance. But none of that is what REALLY galls me about the God-People, the Church-People. It's the way science is pushed out of their lives (and if they had it their way, all of our lives).

What do the fundamentalists do with this article?

They can't accept it, can they, because the Earth wasn't around that many millions of years ago. And it's so sad for them. They're missing out on the greatest things our species has to offer: ingenuity, reason, art, logic. Those things (and other things I can't think of right now). Those things make our species important. It's certainly not our compassion. It's certainly not our helpfulness. Even wolves (wolves for fuck's sake! The most demonized species ever!) support the old and sick by regurgitating food for them, just as they do for the young. And killer whales (KILLER! whales) slow down for sick members of the pod, and help them get to the surface to breathe. But for us, for the mean angry humans, supporting the sick and poor is socialist and wrong.

So all we have left is science and art. Those are the things that make us cool. And the God dorks miss out on it. God creating the universe--and God creating people--isn't exciting. A creature, any creature--God, or a person, or otherwise--doing something they are capable of doing, isn't a miracle. It's normal.

Example #1

A: I give a bunch of computer parts to a computer savvy friend of mine
B: S/He builds a computer

Not interesting. Not a miracle.

Example #2

A: I toss a bunch of computer parts in a closet
B: I come back in 50 years and a computer has assembled all by itself

Wildy interesting. Totally a miracle.

If God is capable of creating a universe, and then creates a universe, so what? If there is nothing, and the universe, and all the creatures in it, spring up randomly--...--...whoa.

Sweet McGillicutty. I gotta go the museaum. Field, and Science & Industry, and Art Institute, and MCA. Now.

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