Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Lentils and Shopping

I made some lentils for dinner last night. They were mighty tasty, with some chicken bouillon, cumin, and cayenne pepper. And don’t forget, lentils require less water to grow than many other crops (sadly, I can't find my reference for this, but I'll keep looking).

And now a little tidbit for all you summer shoppers, from my favorite little book, Affluenza:

“According to an EPA study in conjunction with the U.N. Taskforce on Global Developmental Impact, consumer-product diversity now exceeds biodiversity. According to the study, for the first time in history, the rich array of consumer products available in malls and supermarkets surpasses the number of living species populating the planet.”

Affluenza is a wonderful book. But don’t buy it—borrow it from me or the library. Or, go ahead and buy it. We don’t have a chance either way.

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